Additional Charges

Dear Customer,

When shipping with NCL you are welcome to use our units as storage, you even have free days on quay included in your quote.

Do you want the units on quay, at receiver site or do you just want ASAP delivery? Don’t worry, NCL will arrange what you need, when you need it.

You are also welcome to use your own units when shipping with NCL, if you have any.

Using the units as storage is one of the positive things with loading your cargo in containers. This is a flexible solution, and the quay is fenced ISPS area prohibited for unauthorized personnel.

Let us know how to fix your transport needs.

Familiarize yourself with the possibilities and costs below, please note that additional cost will be invoiced to the freight payer.

Container Rent

All NCL Containers

Demurrage Norway

Demurrage and Container rent

Download file here

Demurrage Netherlands

Demurrage and Container rent

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Demurrage Germany

Demurrage and Container rent

Download file here

Archive rates for 2023 and 2022

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